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Our Call Center Berlin - good service around the clock

Call Center Outsourcing

As a call center in Berlin with a long-standing reputation, we are your point of contact for competent and reliable customer service in Germany's capital city.

We are already looking forward to hearing from you and winning you over for a long-term partnership.

Welche Aspekte sollten Sie als Auftraggeber beachten?

The basis for a successful cooperation is a thorough analysis of your needs and requirements. As a call center service provider, we offer you experience and foresight; you provide us with the information that makes your business unique. This can may be a completely new approach to customer service itself, a distinctive appearance that sets you apart and creates recognition.
Hiring an external service provider to take care of the service for your own customers requires above all one thing: trust. Of course, we provide transparent and comprehensible performance metrics (including benchmarking and KPI values) in a daily, weekly and/or monthly report to all our clients. This always ensures complete traceability at all times with regard to the promised and provided services and achieves a basis foundation of trust with for our partner.
At the same time, all parties involved and employees and third parties involved are bound to the strictest data protection obligations, whose compliance with the GDPR is regularly monitoredcompliance with which is regularly monitored in accordance with the GDPR
Another important aspect of planning is the designation identification of so-called KPI values. These include, for example, a specification of maximum target average call or processing times (AHT - Average Handling Time), quality characteristics metrics and or the minimum fulfillment of sales targets. Thanks to our know-how, we offer you satisfiedmotivated, well-trained and professional employees who, thanks to fair compensation, are eager to become the future flagshiprepresentatives of your company.

Transparenz – Vertrauen schaffen als Merkmal

Our unique selling propositionHiring an external service provider to take care of the service for your own customers requires above all one thing: trust. Of course, we provide transparent and comprehensible performance metrics (including benchmarking and KPI values) in a daily, weekly and/or monthly report to all our clients. This always always ensures complete traceability with regard to the promised and provided services and achieves a basis foundation of trust with for our partner.

With ja-dialog, you have a reliable partner for outsourcing in Germany.

Our Call Center Berlin - good service around the clock

Vorteile von Call Center Outsourcing

Hiring an external service provider to take care of the service for your own customers requires above all one thing: trust. Of course, we provide transparent and comprehensible performance metrics (including benchmarking and KPI values) in a daily, weekly and/or monthly report to all our clients. This always ensures complete traceability at all times with regard to the promised and provided services and achieves a basis foundation of trust with for our partner. At the same time, all parties involved and employees and third parties involved are bound to the strictest data protection obligations, whose compliance with the GDPR is regularly monitoredcompliance with which is regularly monitored in accordance with the GDPR.

Based on many years of experience, ja-dialog is your competent partner for everything from needs analysis and customer service development to the creation of customized quality monitorings for the outsourced services. In addition, we offer you a trained view on all topics, which you may not be aware of at the first step and help you to shape the services you have outsourced to your fullest satisfaction.ja-dialog is your call center partner for outsourcing project, based on our years of experience, we support you as a competent partner in the needs of the analysis, project development and the generation of customized quality evaluations for monitoring the content commissioned by you. In addition, we offer you a trained eye on all topics that may not be immediately apparent to you and we help you to design the area you have handed over for outsourcing to your fullest satisfaction.

ja-dialog - Ihr Call Center Partner für Projekt Outsourcing

Based on many years of experience, ja-dialog is your competent partner for everything from needs analysis and customer service development to the creation of customized quality monitorings for the outsourced services. In addition, we offer you a trained view on all topics, which you may not be aware of at the first step and help you to shape the services you have outsourced to your fullest satisfaction.ja-dialog is your call center partner for outsourcing project, based on our years of experience, we support you as a competent partner in the needs of the analysis, project development and the generation of customized quality evaluations for monitoring the content commissioned by you. In addition, we offer you a trained eye on all topics that may not be immediately apparent to you and we help you to design the area you have handed over for outsourcing to your fullest satisfaction.

Wir strukturieren Ihren Kundenservice

Hiring an external service provider to take care of the service for your own customers requires above all one thing: trust. Of course, we provide transparent and comprehensible performance metrics (including benchmarking and KPI values) in a daily, weekly and/or monthly report to all our clients. This always ensures complete traceability at all times with regard to the promised and provided services and achieves a basis foundation of trust with for our partner.
At the same time, all parties involved and employees and third parties involved are bound to the strictest data protection obligations, whose compliance with the GDPR is regularly monitoredcompliance with which is regularly monitored in accordance with the GDPR


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