About us

Contact-Center Mitarbeiterin

We are your customer service.

ja-dialog was founded in Berlin in 2014, followed by further locations in Wolfen and Asunción (Paraguay). Today ja-dialog employs 500 people and works for more than 20 clients in ten languages. Successful as a classic customer service provider and full-service provider that manages complete packages including the integration of other service providers and AI applications.
ja-dialogue takes responsibility. This is what the owners stand for: Nico Eisenreich, Dr. Christoph Baumgärtner, Angela Janzen, Maribel Pietzner and Norman Schumann.


Continuously improve customer service

We believe in the principle of permanent improvement.
That there is no system that cannot be improved. That it is important to constantly question yourself and everything you do. That is how champions are created.
We have a method kit: CX full potential with AI, service setup blueprint, CX mapping and a systematic improvement process that includes all aspects of customer service. We put everything to the test on a regular basis. That's what makes us successful.

Owner-managed and oriented towards long-term partnerships

ja-dialog is owner-managed. That's why we promise our clients: A decision-maker is always available. Services can be easily adjusted and customer service can be quickly expanded to include other communication channels if desired.
With us as your contact center, you have more time for operational business and developing new visions.


Doing a good job, having a good time: we combine both

Working with us can sometimes be stressful - also because we strive to offer the best customer service. Operating the cloud telephone system, answering incoming calls, solving problems under time pressure, maintaining social media contacts and organizing yourself in the home office, while always remaining friendly and courteous, all of this requires concentration and strength. We don't want to and can't change that.
It is therefore all the more important to us that our colleagues work in a pleasant environment.
Sustainable contact center outsourcing only works with a stable and reliable team. That is why we try very hard to maintain a family and friendly relationship. We accept everyone as they are. With us, colleagues quickly become good acquaintances or friends.

Customer Value and Other Values

Most are good at defining customer value. However, few people look at the people who deliver customer value.
For us, both are at the top of the list: the customers, their values ​​and needs, and the values ​​and needs of our colleagues.
One doesn't work without the other.


We are your customer service:


Partnerships that inspire


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